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Friday Fish Fry
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Friday Fish Fry
GermanFest Mass
Männerchor/Damenchor GermanFest Konzert & Heimatabend
Christmas Concert / Weihnachtskonzert
Männerchor Fish Fry
All you can eat fish and pork tenderloin with scalloped potatoes, coleslaw, dessert and coffee. Adults $15, kids 12 and under $6. Bar available with German and domestic beer, wine and other beverages and soft drinks. German music. Carry out available. Credit cards accepted
Adults | $15.00 |
Kids 12 & Under | $6.00 |
next fry
Park Edelweiss

One of the joys of participating in choral singing with the Fort Wayne Männerchor/Damenchor is the cameraderie and fellowship of our family and friends - and participation in the greater community of German singing societies around the world.
Click here to find the next Sängerfest event on our calendar.
The North American Singers Association
Our region of the National Nordamerikanischen Sängerbundes (NASB) is the SOKII district, comprised of more than a dozen German choral groups from the Midwest states of southern Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, and Indiana. The NASB is comprised of over 90 sängerbundes from some 30 states east of the Rockies. We gather once every year for Sängerfest - a weekend of essen, trinken, und gemütchlikeit.
other choirs in our districtAbout Us

Fort Wayne Männerchor/Damenchor is a Men's and Women's choir dedicated to the preservation and promotion of their German heritage as expressed in choral music.
Choir rehearsals are held at Park Edelweiss every Thursday evening from September through June:
- 7:30PM: Damenchor
- 8:15PM: Gemischt
- 8:45PM: Männerchor
Membership Meetings are held at 8:30PM on the first Thursday of every month (following a gemischt rehearsal at 7:30PM).

Our History
On October 4, 1869 the first German male chorus, established by German immigrants, was organized in Fort Wayne under the name of the Fort Wayne Sangerbund. Since its origin the chorus has been dedicated to the preservation and promotion of their German heritage as expressed in choral music.
Eventually, there were eight singing societies in the city: the Sangerbund, Eintracht, Concordia, Teutonia, Germania, Frohsinn, Lieder Tafel, and the Manner Gesangverein. In 1899 these eight choruses combined under the name of Concordia Gesangverein, which consolidated with the Saxonia Gesangverein in 1922. Four years later this consolidation became the Fort Wayne Männerchor. A Ladies’ Auxiliary was organized in 1938, but the ladies only began singing in 1974. In 1997 they became full members of the chorus and it became known as the Fort Wayne Männerchor/Damenchor. The chorus joined the North American Sangerbund in 1871. On September 5, 1897 it became one of the founding members of the Indiana District. In November 1974, it joined the Southern Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana District, successor to the old Indiana District.
Originally rehearsals were held weekly at Strodel’s Saloon at Columbia and Barr Streets. Activities were held at various locations until 1922, when the chorus moved to a new location at 1804 1/2 West Main Street, where it remained for 79 years. On May 1, 2001 the Fort Wayne Mannerchor/Damenchor purchased a new home at 3355 Elmhurst Drive, known as “Park Edelweiss”. The building is used for rehearsals and club events.
Since 1936 the Fort Wayne Männerchor/Damenchor has participated in district conferences involving approximately 350 singers which are held each year in April or May. Every three years they are involved in the National Sängerfest, which has had as many as 4,000 participants.
On the occasion of its 100th anniversary the chorus received the “Zelter Plakette”, an award named after Carl Friedrich Zelter, the father of choral music in Germany. It is awarded by the German government to choral groups all over the world on the occasion of the celebration of 100 years of continuous German choral singing.
Because of their enthusiasm for German culture, members of the Männerchor/ Damenchor sponsor a number of traditional German activities every year. In the early days they held monthly dances. Today, they continue their interest in the preservation of German heritage with a full schedule of annual activities. The club also joins with three other local organizations to put on Fort Wayne's annual Germanfest, an eight-day celebration of German culture and heritage.
Chad Trouten
Paul Winicker
Vice President
Christine Trouten
Joe Hoffman
Carol Patterson
Recording Secretary
Craig Selig
Financial Secretary
Thomas Remenschneider
Music Director
Dain Christensen , Patti Knox, Nicoline Dahlgren
Denise Snider
Web Master
Directions to Park Edelweiss
3355 Elmhurst Drive
Fort Wayne,